» Post-Newtonian analysis: the general goal is to extract theoretical predictions from alternative theories of gravity that can be put on test with observational data. Nowadays, we are frequently exploring several models in which the traditional parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism does not apply, which makes necessary a complete analysis in order to safely extract observational constraints. Solar system data are still very precise tests for gravitational theories, although PN analysis also has an important role in gravitational waves studies.
Selected papers:
» Alternative theories of gravity: although general relativity has been collecting an enormous success on both strong and weak regimes of gravitational interaction, we are still dealing with big questions marks (quantum gravity, dark matter, dark energy, etc). For many scientists, those holes in our understanding of the universe indicates a necessity to extend (or modify) Einstein's theory. Either from a phenomenological point of view, or based on fundamental physics, to develop an alternative theory of gravity can also be a valuable exercise to better understand nature from basic principles and by exploring the limits of the paradigmatic general relativity.
Selected papers:
» Analogue models of gravity: It's been a while but I've worked on this topic and it still interests me a lot. It concerns the study of non gravitational systems that can mimic gravitational phenomena. The analogue systems for Hawking radiation are maybe the most popular ones (aka acoustic black holes, or artificial black holes). But perhaps, the method behind these analogies can still help us to understand gravity from a fundamental basis.
Selected papers:
» ...And more: I also have a history of working on others themes within the gravitational and cosmology area, such as, gravitational waves in alternative theories, bouncing cosmology and extensions to Newtonian gravity.
Selected papers:
- Júnior D. Toniato and Davi C. Rodrigues, Post-Newtonian γ-like parameters and the gravitational slip in scalar-tensor and f(R) theories, Phys.Rev.D 104(4), 044020 (2021). ArXiv:2106.12542.
- Júnior D. Toniato, Davi C. Rodrigues, Aneta Wojnar, Palatini $f(R)$ gravity in the solar system: post-Newtonian equations of motion and complete PPN parameters, Phys.Rev.D 101(6), 064050 (2020). ArXiv:1912.12234.
» Alternative theories of gravity: although general relativity has been collecting an enormous success on both strong and weak regimes of gravitational interaction, we are still dealing with big questions marks (quantum gravity, dark matter, dark energy, etc). For many scientists, those holes in our understanding of the universe indicates a necessity to extend (or modify) Einstein's theory. Either from a phenomenological point of view, or based on fundamental physics, to develop an alternative theory of gravity can also be a valuable exercise to better understand nature from basic principles and by exploring the limits of the paradigmatic general relativity.
Selected papers:
- E. Bittencourt, U. Moschella, M. Novello, J.D. Toniato, More about scalar gravity, Phys.Rev.D 93(12), 124023 (2026). ArXiv:1605.09778.
» Analogue models of gravity: It's been a while but I've worked on this topic and it still interests me a lot. It concerns the study of non gravitational systems that can mimic gravitational phenomena. The analogue systems for Hawking radiation are maybe the most popular ones (aka acoustic black holes, or artificial black holes). But perhaps, the method behind these analogies can still help us to understand gravity from a fundamental basis.
Selected papers:
- E. Goulart, M. Novello, F.T. Falciano, J.D. Toniato, Hidden geometries in nonlinear theories: A Novel aspect of analogue gravity, Class.Quant.Grav. 28, 245008 (2011). ArXiv:1108.6067.
» ...And more: I also have a history of working on others themes within the gravitational and cosmology area, such as, gravitational waves in alternative theories, bouncing cosmology and extensions to Newtonian gravity.
Current students
Matheus Filipe - PhD Candidate.
Topic: post-Newtonian analysis and gravitational waves. Co-advised together with Davi C. Rodrigues (main advisor). Diego Santos de Jesus - PhD Candidate Topic: double pulsar tests Co-advised together with Hermano Velten (main advisor). |
Lenin Azevedo - Undergrad. Thesis
Topic: neutrino physics Raul Gonçalves - Undergrad. Thesis Topic: the Hubble parameter tension Mateus Picoli - Undergrad. Thesis Topic: gravitational waves |
Nicolas Bertini - MSc.
Topic: PPN formalism and RGGR theory Co-advised together with Davi C. Rodrigues (main advisor). |
André Pelais Oliveira - Undergrad. Sci. Project
Topic: Newtonian gravity extensions |
Last update: march 2024.
Júnior Diniz Toniato
Departamento de Química e Física (DQF/CCENS) Núcleo de Astrofísica e Cosmologia (Cosmo-Ufes) Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) Campus Alegre, Alegre-ES, Brasil. [email protected] |